
Date2017, 31 XII
Value75 (S)
Catalog no.Mi 87   Sc --   SG --   Y&T 70
TopicCurie, Marie
OccasionAnniversaries of Great Personalities
DescriptionSeries of 5 stamps, dedicated to famous artists and scientists. Marie Curie is included because of her 150th birthday. The other persons are: Jonathan Swift, author (350th birthday), Arthur Charles Clarke, scientist and author (100th birthday), Gioachino Rossini, composer (225th birthday) and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,author (125th birthday.)
The series of 5 stamps is also available as a sheet (not shown).
'KEP', used for the Michel numbering, means 'Kyrgyz Express Post'. Kyrgyz Express Post is the second postal operator of Kyrgyzstan. The company has been founded in 2012 and is recognized by the UPU.