
Date2014, 10 XI
Value1,50 L
Catalog no.Mi 5183, BL396   SG MS4938   Y&T BF328
TopicWładysław III
Occasion570th anniversary of the Battle near Varna.
DescriptionSheetlet with one stamp. On the stamp a portrait of friendly looking Władysław. In very small characters we read on the right side (in Bulgarian) WŁADYSŁAW III WARNEŃCZYK 1424 – 1444 and on the bottom site "570 years of the Battle of the Nations in Varna" . The margin of the sheetlet is covered with a historical map of the battle field. Arrows show the moves that were made. Even the fatal attack from Władysław in the direction of the sultan can be recognized. Also the city of Varna is mentioned (as BapHa). The coat of arms of Władysław we see below the stamp. It contains the coats of arms from Poland and Lithuania.